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Patient Participation Group
Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.
What is a PPG?
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of volunteer patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet regularly to discuss and support the running of their GP practice. PPGs look at the services the practice offers, patient experience and how improvements can be made for the benefit of patients and the practice.
What can a PPG do?
Helping to fill some of the gaps in services by signposting patients to available support or providing services such as patient libraries, volunteer transport, befriending and support groups. Fundraising to support the work of the PPG and to improve the care that is available to patients of the Practice.
All communities, groups, genders, ages, ethnicities and disabilities representing the patient list are encouraged to join. There are no other membership requirements except that patients must be registered with the practice. PPG members should as far as possible, be representative of the practice population.
Patient Participation Group Terms of Reference
These Terms of Reference were adopted by The Jubilee Medical Practice PPG Committee and may be reviewed according to emerging needs but in any case at not less than 24 months after agreement or further review.
Aims of the PPG
- To facilitate good relations between the practice, patients and relevant third-parties by assisting the communication process and ensuring that issues of general concern/interest are communicated to the Practice. Communications and feedback will be based on patient experience, interests and concerns and the provision of feedback to the practice will be on current issues and proposed new developments.
- To work collaboratively with the practice and local Integrated Care Board (Health Commissioners) to improve access to services and facilities for patients. The Committee may also act as a sounding board for Practice staff on relevant issues subject to approval by the Practice.
- To assist the development of communication and, where appropriate, co-operation between the practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in healthcare and the wider community.
- To act as a representative group to support the practice and influence local provision of health and social care.
- Agree a communication strategy to incorporate the various communication elements identified in these Terms of Reference.
The PPG will not
- Determine what information the Practice should disseminate but may assist the Practice in identifying the most appropriate message(s) and format(s).
- Determine Practice policy.
- Act as an agent for determining individual complaints.
- Replace Practice staff in the activities of the Practice but Committee Members, and patients more widely, may volunteer their assistance where increased support is required over limited periods e.g. marshalling at vaccination clinics, supporting publicly delivered health related activity where appropriate etc.
The Practice will
- Provide the PPG with information requiring wider distribution in a timely manner.
- Nominate a senior manager to be the principal contact with the PPG.
- Send a representative to attend PPG meetings, subject to other demands.
- Provide responses to patient concerns raised by the PPG
PPG structure and membership
- The PPG will be led and supported by a PPG Committee. The Committee will, as far as is practicable, be reflective of the patient demographic of the practice.
- The minimum number of patients on the Committee required for effective operation will be 7 and the maximum is 12. There may however be occasions where the PPG determines that an increase in maximum numbers is desirable in order to be fully effective.
- The PPG will elect a Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary to run meetings and guide the work of the Committee.
- To become a member, patients must nominate themselves via one of a variety of communication channels decided by the Committee taking account of accessibility needs. Application for membership will be by submitting an application form to Practice reception at either New Ash Green or Longfield. Forms will be available from the Practice. Membership applications will be discussed individually at the beginning of the next meeting after they are received.
- Members will normally serve on the Committee for a period of three years but may step down at any time. If there is a waiting list for spaces on the Committee then after two years’ service, members will have to be voted in at the next AGM of the PPG.
- The PPG may appoint ex-officio members where appropriate and for a fixed period of time.
- Committee Members who are absent without explanation from three consecutive meetings may be thought to have resigned, and could be replaced. Notice of absence must be sent to either the Chair, Deputy Chair or the Practice, who are then responsible for making apologies at the meeting.
- The Committee will list its members’ names in newsletters, on the Practice
- website and on appropriate notice boards.
- The officers of the Committee will be the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The Secretary position may rotate from meeting to meeting (this must be allocated at the end of each preceding meeting). Additional officers may be appointed at the Committee’s discretion.
- During its first year, Committee officers will be selected from the members of the PPG by self-nomination and voting at PPG meetings. Thereafter, officers will be elected at the appropriate times.
- Membership of the PPG shall be open to all registered patients. It is important to note that this does not automatically confer the right to attend all parts of all Committee meetings. Where patients not serving on the Committee wish to attend a meeting the Chair and/or Vice Chair will consider whether allocation of a time slot is appropriate having regard to the confidentiality issues relevant to that meeting. The Committee Membership will reflect the patient profile and be widely representative and inclusive of different genders, ethnicities, ages and abilities as required in the GP contract. The PPG as a whole automatically achieves that goal as all patients are deemed to be members of the PPG.
- The Committee will be non-political and non-sectarian, and will at all times respect diversity and exemplify its commitment to the principles contained within the Equality Act.
- The carer of a patient registered with the practice can be a member of the PPG even if he or she is not a patient at the practice.
The PPG Committee and conduct of meetings
- The Committee shall hold meetings, at not less than Quarterly intervals, to maintain an active Committee and PPG. The Committee extends an open invitation to all Practice staff to attend its meetings as agreed with the practice manager. It is expected that a manager and/or clinical member of the Practice will attend each meeting. The Committee will meet not less than once per annum with the Practice to review progress against objectives and consider future needs/joint working. It is expected that needs will emerge during routine meetings in any case.
- Decisions shall be reached normally by consensus among those present. However, if a vote is required, decisions shall be made by simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of a tied outcome, the Chair may exercise a casting vote in addition to his/her deliberative vote.
- Where issues/activities of particular importance, time dependency or sensitivity are to be taken forward the Committee will consider creating sub-Groups to take those issues/activities forward.
- The Secretary shall produce minutes of meetings to be considered and approved at the following meeting of the PPG and subsequently be sent to all members and made available to all via email or hard copies displayed in the practice.
- Confidentiality and Code of Conduct - All members of the PPG are made aware of the need to maintain absolute patient confidentiality at all times. Any member whose work on behalf of the Committee includes work in the Practice, consulting with other patients or members of the public will have signed and returned a copy of the Practice’s Confidentiality agreement before undertaking any such activity. All Committee members must abide by Codes of Conduct relevant to their work on the Committee.
Activities of the PPG
- Receive the views of users of the Practice about the services delivered by the practice and receive feedback from its registered patients about those services.
- Review any feedback received about the services delivered by the practice with Practice staff and relevant members of the Committee with a view to supporting improvements (if any) to be made to those services.
- Communicate information to the wider patient group, where resources permit, which may promote or assist with health or social care subject to policy approval from the Practice.
- Maintain a PPG area/notice board in the waiting rooms of the Practice , where space permits, with up-to-date information on current activities and providing a medium for patients to comment (e.g., via a suggestion box).
- Raise patient awareness of the range of services available at the surgery and help patients to access/use such services more effectively. Using approved messages from local health commissioners and the Practice.
Social Media and email use
Scope and Purpose
- A dedicated PPG e-Mail address will be established with named contacts attached to it.
- To support the Communication Strategy required and identified at paragraph 1.e. above.
- More than one member of the PPG to have access to cover absences.
Management & Control
- The Chair and Vice Chair are responsible for ensuring these Terms of Reference are adhered to.
- No information regarding the Practice, or health advice will be issued by the PPG members unless there has been sign off by the Practice, or the ICB
- These Terms of Reference will be reviewed yearly at the PPG Annual General Meeting
PPG Code of Conduct
The PPG Membership is not based on opinions or characteristics of individuals and shall be non-political and non-sectarian, at all times respecting diversity and exemplifying its commitment to the principles contained within the Equality Act.
All Members of the PPG (including the Virtual PPG) make this commitment:
- To respect Practice and patient confidentiality at all times.
- To treat each other with mutual respect and act and contribute in a manner that is in the best interests of all patients.
- To be open and flexible and to listen and support each other.
- To abide by the core of the Nolan Principles of Public Life which are to act with integrity, honesty, openness and accountability.
- Not to use the PPG as a forum for personal agendas or complaints. These should be taken forward through other appropriate channels.
- To accept that the ruling of the Chair or other presiding officer is final on matters relating to orderly conduct.
- Otherwise to abide by principles of good meeting practice, for example:
- Reading papers in advance
- Arriving on time
- Switching mobile phones to silent
- Allowing others to speak and be heard/respected
PPG Minutes
Care Quality Commission
Overall Rating: Good
Kent House Surgery
36 Station Road
Telephone: 01474 702 127
New Ash Green Surgery
New Ash Green
Telephone: 01474 873 828