PPG Minutes – 11th October 2022



  • LB – Chair,         
  • AC – Vice Chair        
  • JM
  • PC
  • JT
  • VM
  • KG
  • EL
  • VB
  • CH
  • GH
  • JS

Meeting started: 6pm


  • PW
  • SH
  • JF
  • NG

Previous minutes

  • Need 5-7 day lead before giving advice on documents
  • In order for the PPG to be valid we need to have surgery representatives
  • Complete the Terms of reference NB to within two weeks
  • We need mickey house e-consult, should have sent to everyone. 


  • Identify a way to collect information from the residents about their experiences of the surgery. 
  • get ideas for increasing communications to residents. Perry and Jenny to find out the list of people in NAG, Hartley & Longfield to ensure we are communicating to all residents. 

*Note: PPG Members are happy to help get information to people


Changes the public would appreciate

With the lack of representation from the surgery we decided to use the time to identify solid changes the public would appreciate seeing in the surgery to improve experiences:

  1. The surgery to be open over lunch time
  2. Data to inform residents of what is going on the surgery, admin perspective and clinical.
  3. Information to repurpose into bite size content for social media 
  4. Button system for making appointment. IE press one for a nurse appointment, two for physio, mental health etc. Shorted Dr G’s speech in the middle to a one liner, closing with sending people to the website for the longer version of his speech then give options. 
  5. Clear and exact brief they want me to share with the community 
  6. Feedback mechanism – (PPG to manage paper & digital feedback) perhaps fill in while waiting for a jab. P to create a feedback form. 
  7. Access and follow up – (community response team for people who have been in hospital) 
  8. Additional to point 4. Have a button for patients who have already been DIAGNOSED CANCER/HEART DISEASE…  
  9. Better referral system 
  10. More face-to-face appointments
  11. Q&A with community Groups 
  12. Less hostile reception staff (for public perception’s sake) 

Information we can support with

  • Social Media posts 
  • Putting up posters in businesses and letter boxes


  • There was general dissatisfaction with the lack of representation from the surgery at our meeting
Next meeting: 8th November - JM to try booking the VA office

Kent House Surgery
36 Station Road

Telephone: 01474 702 127

New Ash Green Surgery
New Ash Green

Telephone: 01474 873 828